
Welcome to WRShare!

WRshare (Workout/Route Share) will allow you to create and edit activity workouts suitable for use on Garmin™ devices.
Currently running and cycling workouts and GPX/TCX/FIT courses are supported.

Workouts you create and routes you import can either be "synced" with your Garmin™ device by using a ConnectIQ application (available as a separate free application from the Garmin Connect IQ store see WRShare) or manually installed on your device.

In addition to workouts routes can also be shared, however you will need to use another web site (e.g. plotaroute or ridewithgps) to create and modify the routes before importing into WRShare.

Workouts and Courses can also be "shared" with other users of this system by using "Groups". Users can create and join groups and any workouts/routes within these groups can be access by any member of the group and "synced" with their devices.

To use these facilities you will need to register with the site.

This site is currently in very early Beta testing and there are limits placed on the number of groups and workout items you can create. If you do create any workouts that you cannot simple do without please download them and store in a safe place - just to be on the safe side as the site cannot take any responsibility for losing any workouts you create.